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Football Champions League Final in Paris
\r\nThe Final of the 2021/22 season of the UEFA Champions League will take place on Saturday 28 May at 21:00 at the Saint-Denis’s Stadium in France.\r\n\r\nWith over 80,000 seats, the Saint-Denis’s Stadium is one of the largest stadiums in Europe.\r\n\r\nDuring the Final, only the winners will qualify for the UEFA Champions League group stage.\r\n\r\nIf one team scores more goals than the other during extra time, that team will be declared the winner.\r\n
Uefa Cup Champions League Final in Paris
\r\nIn addition to receiving a 73.5 cm high and 7.5 kg heavy trophy, the winning team will also receive 40 gold medals.\r\n\r\nBut not only ! Winners are also assured of a place in the 2022/23 UEFA Champions League group stage if they have not qualified through their domestic competition.\r\n\r\nWhat are you waiting for? Get ready and don’t miss the big appointment with the most beautiful event of the year ever …\r\n\r\nStart making your predictions and come and discover not only the most advantageous but also the most competitive odds to bring home the victory!\r\n\r\nAll this is offered only by Premiumslots!\r\n\r\nFind out more!”,”post_language”:”en”,”ID”:11811,”post_date_gmt”:”2022-03-16 17:10:37″,”post_language_related_slug”:”finale-champions-league-a-parigi”,”post_thumbnail”:”https://cdn2.premiumslots.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/finale-champions-league.jpg”,”post_modified”:”2022-03-16 18:10:37″,”lang_new”:11807,”post_excerpt”:””,”permalink”:”https://cdn2.premiumslots.co/sports/champions-league-final-in-paris/?lang=en”,”post_author”:”1″,”post_language_related_id”:11807,”post_meta_fields”:{“rd_sport_featured”:[“no”],”rd_ctbg_attachement”:[“fixed”],”rd_ctbg_size”:[“cover”],”rd_ctbg_repeat”:[“no-repeat”],”_yoast_wpseo_title”:[“Football Uefa Champions League Final in Paris Advantageous Odds Win”],”rd_sport_preview_post”:[“no”],”_yoast_wpseo_twitter_title”:[“”],”_yoast_wpseo_metadesc”:[“Other unmissable emotions are about to compete with the Champions League Final in Paris! Discover the most advantageous odds and win big!”],”_yoast_wpseo_twitter_description”:[“”],”rd_sport_slider”:[“no”],”_yoast_wpseo_opengraph_title”:[“Football Uefa Champions League Final in Paris Advantageous Odds Win”],”rd_share_buttons”:[“yes”],”ratings_average”:[“0″],”rd_ctbg”:[“https://cdn2.premiumslots.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/bc-champions-fnal.jpg”],”_yoast_wpseo_opengraph_description”:[“Other unmissable emotions are about to compete with the Champions League Final in Paris! Discover the most advantageous odds and win big!”]},”post_password”:””,”tags”:false,”slug”:”champions-league-final-in-paris”,”comment_status”:”open”,”post_name”:”champions-league-final-in-paris”,”post_author_name”:”Premium Slots”,”post_mime_type”:””,”post_status”:”publish”,”post_language_related_content”:”Altre imperdibili emozioni stanno per disputarsi con la Finale Champions League a Parigi !\r\n\r\nMa chi sara’ la squadra che segnera’ piu’ Goal e si conquistera’ la Finale?\r\n\r\nInizia a fare il tuo pronostico e vieni a scoprire le Quote piu’ vantaggiose e competitive per Vincere!\r\n
Calcio Finale Champions League a Parigi
\r\nSabato 28 Maggio alle ore 21:00 si disputera’ la Finale della stagione 2021/22 della UEFA Champions League , presso lo Stadio Saint-Denis’s in Francia.\r\n\r\nCon oltre 80.000 posti , lo Stadio di Saint-Denis’s , e’ uno degli Stadi piu’ grandi d’ Europa.\r\n\r\nDurante la Finale , solo le vincitrici si qualificheranno per accedere alla fase a gironi della UEFA Champions League.\r\n\r\nSe una delle squadre segna più gol dell’altra durante i tempi supplementari, quella squadra verra’ dichiarata vincitrice\r\n
Coppa Uefa Finale Champions League a Parigi
\r\nLa squadra vincente oltre a ricevere un Trofeo alto 73,5 cm e pesante 7,5 kg , ricevera’ anche 40 medaglie d’ oro.\r\n\r\nMa non solo ! I vincitori hanno anche la certezza di un posto nella fase a gironi della UEFA Champions League 2022/23, se non si sono qualificati tramite la loro competizione nazionale.\r\n\r\nChe aspettate ? Tenetevi pronti e non perdete il grande appuntamento con l’ evento dell’ anno piu’ bello di sempre…\r\n\r\nIniziate a fare i vostri pronostici e venite a scoprire le quote non solo piu’ vantaggiose ma anche quelle piu’ competitive per portare a casa la vittoria!\r\n\r\nTutto questo ve lo offre solo Premiumslots !\r\n\r\nScopri di piu’ !”,”post_date”:”2022-03-16 18:10:37″,”post_modified_gmt”:”2022-03-16 17:10:37″,”filter”:”raw”,”post_type”:”sports”,”guid”:”https://cdn2.premiumslots.co/?post_type=sports&p=11811″,”menu_order”:0,”author”:{“user_registered”:”2017-10-11 16:41:37″,”user_url”:””,”display_name”:”Premium Slots”,”id”:”1″,”user_nicename”:”amministratore”,”user_login”:”Amministratore”},”id”:”11811″,”to_ping”:””,”ping_status”:”closed”,”post_image_ctm”:”https://cdn2.premiumslots.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/finale-champions-league.jpg”,”comment_count”:”0″,”pinged”:””,”post_parent”:0,”post_content_filtered”:””}